Hi, jw, I am genuinely glad that you have been able to find spiritual fulfillment in your life. It is your right, and no person or group of persons acting in concert can relieve you of that.These values we share did not come by acident, nor were they assumed to be derived by some mysterious alchemy of natural development. One of the most fundamental Rights of Man, is the right to worship God in the path of your choice.
But those rights had to be fought for on the field of combat. I feel proud that my forebears [and yours probably] loved you so much that they were willing to spill their blood to ensure the survival and triumph of liberty. At that same time, when others answered the call, the JWs, as personified by the then President of the Wt movement, were mouthing empty and hysterical phrases designed to be sensationalist rather than edifying. The bigoted nature of those nonsensical pratings, made in the 40s, are now so utterly embarrasing, that his sucessors no longer even acknowledge them.
Since the WTS, being a closed system of authority, will not permit any undue curiosity on your part, you imperil your standing in the very system you owe aliegance, by giving evidence of reading previous comments made your religion. Your religion is one that neither permits nor encourages scrutiny. I sincerely hope that you do not discover that the Wt system is nothing but a raw instrument of power, excercised by flunkies to ensure the supremacy of a mysterious elite calling themselves the GB.
To maintain your continued existence in the JW movement, my suggestion to you would be to do EXACTLY what the leadership tells you to do, without either comment, or dissent. But, and this is a big but, PRETEND that you are doing those things because you thought of them.
And you can rest assured that when the torch of liberty needs to lifted up again in the face of an assault from our adversaries, we will be there to protect your right to worship the God of your choice.
Those who least appreciate freedom are those who do nothing to safeguard it.